As a wife, you have been given the privilege of serving as a mighty prayer warrior for your husband. Yet sometimes, even when poised with the best of intentions, the task can feel overwhelming. You wonder: What should I pray? How should I pray? What prayers does he need right now?
In Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe, Sharon Jaynes maps out sixteen landmarks to help you consistently and effectively cover your husband in prayer – from his mind and the thoughts he thinks, to his eyes and the images he sees, all the way down to his feet and the path he takes, Sharon teaches you how to pray for your husband in ways that are powerful, practical and life-changing.
Perfect for group use or individual reflection, this book maps out a memorable and reproducible pattern of prayer to strengthen your marriage, deepen your personal prayer life, and cover your husband from head to toe—in ways that will lift not only his spirit, but yours as well.
Prayer is one of our most important weapons in our spiritual daily lives, and what could be more practical and loving than praying for your husband!
In this book, Sharon Jaynes illustrates the purpose and power of prayer, and gives a wonderful illustration of how it helped her own father. I love how she lists the landmarks of prayer, his mind, what he sees, what he listens to and much more. We as wives should be praying for our husbands every day, and with this book, it will teach you how and keep you in the practice of praying each day, using scripture for him from head to toe.
received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write
a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am
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